Originally Posted by
Presley Black
Presley waited, and listened with rapt attention as Elliot described spying and what she'd seen. Her eyes grew really wide. Presley's father had not even flirted with another woman in years, and Presley's mum wasn't alive like Elliots. It must be so horrible for Elliot. Pres knew that her father was her idol. She couldn't imagine having your idol torn down like that.
Instead of Presley's typical response, which would have been along the lines of 'I'm so sorry Elliot.' She turned to her friend with fire in her eyes. "What are we going to do about it?" She asked. There was a reason that the sorting hat had almost put her in Slytherin.
Presley would have laughed if the situation hadn't been so serious. "Of course not." Minor things, Pres had no problems telling, but for anything bigger than a tiny problem, Presley Lynne Black could keep a secret like nobodies business. There were things even Elliot didn't know about Presley. Things Leo didn't know, and many many things her father didn't know.
She had told the stupid Lockwood girl before Pres? Come to think about it, Presley had been a bit preoccupied with her own issues, and the two of them hadn't been speaking lately. So it made sense that Elliot would run to the second best.
She nodded. "Thanks, Elliot." She replied. "And hey, you're a Morganzo. Keep your head up." She said with a small smile.
What are we going to do about it?! Elliot's eyes widened...
"Keep our mouths shut, that's what. There are some things worth fighting for. Like your situation," she said, and she let her face relax,
"And others...you didn't see him when he..found me spying..." she shuddered a bit, and rubbed her upper arm unconsciously.
"He was very angry. Is that why he's so...distant from me? Does he think I'm going to tell anyone, or something?" She was just SO CONFUSED. Like epicly confused. Beyond all the confusion she had ever felt. "
And I haven't told Dani, and she would have told me! But I c-c-can't get him that mad at me again! I have to be perfect, Presley! I have to be!" she sounded hysterical, now, and her blue eyes were widened.
She began to pace...
"That's why when I asked you to stay over, I felt like such a rebel...and I liked it...because...I've been trying to perfect for so long, and even more so since the birth and Christmas..." She wasn't facing Presley, and she was more talking to herself...
She then zipped around, locking her eyes onto Presley.
"I AM a Morganzo. And...maybe I'll write to him. Tell him to really explain what he was doing and WHY. And I am going to show him what perfection is. I am going to be so much better than any son will ever be." Determination was etched into her eyes.
You want to write it here or in the common room? Come on, I'm ready..." she said with a sharp nod..
."Oh, and you better not feel sorry for me. Because I'm fine." She glared at Presley as she said this...