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Kendall hadn't been intending on going into Hogsmeade. She'd planned on just holing herself up in the dorm with Accio, trying to figure out how to make things better with everything. She'd talked to Beezus about it, and she'd talked to Patrick, but that hadn't really helped her figure out her own thoughts. She'd found out that her friend was really honest, and that what had happened at the lake hadn't exactly been changed since then. But it hadn't really gotten her own mind settled on answers, other than lesson stuff which didn't count right now, and she wanted him back. She missed him, and that had actually helped so much more than the help of her friend and fellow fourth-year Claw. Of course, she still needed to find him again, but right now she'd just planned on talking things out with Accio. At least her kitty wouldn't judge her. At least, that had been the plan until Orion had shown up with a message from Patrick, asking her if she wanted to meet him in Hogsmeade.
Part of her had been tempted to send a message with his owl saying she wanted to stay at the castle, but enough of her knew that would have meant she'd been doing the same thing she'd yelled at him about if she did. So instead she slipped a pair of combat boots on and headed out of the dorm after scratching Accio's head once more. "Things're gonna be okay, Accio," she assured the orange tabby, and therefore herself. At least her sweatshirt kept her reasonably warm on the walk down the road, and she even managed a bit of her old grin as she saw Patrick waiting there on the main street, pacing a little. He wasn't staring off into space, which she really hadn't liked the last time she'd seen him. "Hi," she said simply, walking up to him. Maybe acting normal would make things easier. As he kept walking around in a single path back and forth, Patrick couldn't help but start to wonder if Kendall was going to actually show up since there was a lot that he had wanted to say to her but it wouldn't have been able to happen if she decided to not come; then he would have just wandered off by himself to Honeyduke's which definitely was not going to be as much fun as it could have been.
Okay stop this right now, you're being ridiculous; she's going to show up and you're going to explain yourself and things will be okay. The friendship will be intact and that's all that matters at this point. The social commentary was right, he took a deep breath and just calmed himself down since there really wasn't a need for this stupidity because it would have potentially made anything that he wanted to say disappear; probably would have ended up turning into something that could have made everything worse than it already was. Once he saw her walking into the village, he stopped walking and just stood in one place for now; they'd been heading down the street soon enough but first he had wanted to get out what he wanted to say. "Hey, I'm glad you decided to come." he said before smiling a little bit at her, it wasn't easy to smile when there was just so many questions on his mind that had needed answers to.
"Listen, I want to apologize for everything. I know that things haven't been easy for either of us since...." His voice trailed off for a few moments as he considered where to go next with it considering he was carefully choosing his words as to just make things somewhat easier for them to deal with. "But, hiding away and everything like that is completely inexcusable; I mean I wasn't being fair to you and that had just sorta gone against everything that I told you already which I still mean but.. I um.. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just don't want you to think that there was any intentions of trying to forget what had happened even if we're no closer to actually figuring out what's going on between us though I hope we can get there since all this confusion is just starting to drive me a bit up the wall. I don't want to stop being your friend even if I feel more than that for you, cause that wouldn't be good." Well that was far more than he originally had wanted to say but once he got started talking, it seemed like he couldn't stop until he temporarily ran out of things to say which was good because it prevented him from going off into nonsense.