❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Hmm? Remove the books then cast the charms back on the books and on the shelves? Beezus nodded. Yeah, she got that. It wasn't a hassle really, they had more complicated tasks during classes. "So, we're going to remove the books first then?" And without waiting for an answer from the Prefect, Beezus already began to take out books from shelves, two at a time and carefully placing them on the pile that Kurumi had created on the floor. There were still manyyyyyyyyyy books.
Pull. Pull. Pull. Pull.
"Did Mr. Kitridge ask you to do this by the way?" .and alone? ..the Ravenclaw asked as she crouched down, adding more books to the heap on the floor. Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Katrina enter the Reference Section, she gave the Slytherin a small wave and a smile before wheeling around to pull more books.
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