❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Was he even paying attention to what she was saying? She'd been talking for minutes here, giving him suggestions and whatnot. But what? He was having a hard time telling Kendall what's wrong? Ermmm..what exactly was wrong? There was nothing wrong with liking a girl and admitting it to her right? Because, well, Kendall felt the same...probably. Beezus raised an eyebrow at his direction. All he needed now was the guts! The courage. But basically, she wouldn't expect much courage from him. He was a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor.
...Or maybe she thought wrong of him? Because he was suddenly saying that he was going to talk to Kendall now. .."Really?" Wow. She was convincing. "Errmm..good luck then?" Yeah, he would likely need ALL the luck he could get. And before the Ravenclaw could even add some words of wisdom, the Slytherin had dashed towards the door while she was left sitting alone on the Slytherin Table, surprised. Patrick was just a few steps from the door when Beezus remembered something. Quickly, she stood up and yelled after him, "OH, AND PATRICK! DON'T FORGET TO BRING HER CHOCOLATES!" Kendall was particularly fond of those icky treat.
..And then she could no longer see his back. Crossing her arms, she sat back down. Hmm. Did she just succeed in her mission? SNORT. She wasn't expecting that. But oh well, she was glad that she'd finally knocked some sense into that guy's head. Hopefully, the two will be fine. That'll make her happy.
Beezus giggled but....when she saw the time on her watch. 8:17?! Shoot! Her History of Magic Class starts at 8! Professor Scabior was so going to kill her. Rather frantically, she plummeted back to the Ravenclaw Table, grabbed her bag and strode out of the Great Hall.
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