Originally Posted by
Lady of the Lake
The whole pet drama just served to emphasise the fact that all these firsties would stop at nothing when it came to grand gestures, even if Ari didn't consider them heroic per say. 'Maybe this is what Sir Nicholas is looking for?' the fifth year wondered out loud. It sounded plausible. And if that was the case, they were off to a good start.
Of course Alexa wouldn't consider her friends troublemakers. But the fact is, they kind of were. 'Seri? Is she a first year too? What House?' Ariadne had never heard of a Gryffindor with that name so far. And they had tons of plans? 'What kind of plans, pray tell? Of course, I understand if you want to keep 'em secret.' Though why would she have mentioned them if they were to be kept secret?
"You think so?" Ariadne probably hadn't meant the question for her but she had heard it and felt the need to comment. If that was all nearly Headless Nick was looking for then she could have probably found something else to climb...this
was a castle afterall so there must have been plenty of stuff...or maybe she meant that thirst to be called a hero...she had that too...
"Yup, firstie just like me." BEAM. Yeah, she was proud of being a firstie and she would relish in it for as long as she could.
"But unfortunately she's not a Gryffie...she's a snake--but she's really nice, nothing like some other snakes I met!" It's true. Seri was amazing and she loved trouble just as much!
"Weeeell, it's not so much to keep them secret as it is to keep them a surprize. If you knew then it wouldn't be nearly as epic." In other words, she would just have to wait for the big BOOM!