SPOILER!!: Louisa <333
Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
This wasn't the first time Louisa had to go through a conversation of feelings between a boy and herself. Well, she'd done it only once before and the result was... not so good. However, she was always the confident and less nervous one - she never bit her nails, like she did today, never felt her heart clawing out of her chest, like it was doing right when Vickers started talking, nor did she feel the urge to cry, like she was about to do when he said he just wanted to spend time with her even as friends. All this was completely new to her that she had to forget all about the mental notes she had of boys and just start over again.
'I don't know what a fling is.'
Louisa stopped biting her fingernails and had to keep her mouth slightly open to help with her accelerating breathing, because those words meant something serious was going on since Vickers didn't know what a fling is. She didn't know how to respond to that, how to match his genuineness. The only thing that made her worried face ease up was the mention of journals, because she got journals of her own too! With pages and pages of Vickers' eyes, Vickers' logic, Vickers'...yeah, pretty much the last three months' entries were about this guy. This unplanned similarity made her worry fade away.
'..yes I was under the impression that you were interested in other guys far better than I was and was more worth your time...'
And she was crying. It was this simple. She lowered her head, and pressed two of her fingers into her eyes pressing hard as a sniffle made its way out from the girl's mouth. Shaking her head at what he was saying, refusing to believe what it implied, Louisa dropped her hands from her face and sternly looked at him. Her eyes might be more red than greyish blue at that moment but they didn't express vulnerability but the impossibility of what he was saying. "N-no." He wasn't finished though, and so she waited for him.
Her hand stayed still as he slowly, maybe even gingerly, moved his own closer to it. She felt their fingers lacing together again with the words warming her heart, that felt highly sweet. Her tears looked endless on her cheeks, it wasn't like the ugly sobs from earlier, no. That was passive energy, while this - Merlin, Louisa didn't even know what this was! She knew she had enough experience with liars and cheaters to know and feel the honesty in his words, and she knew that her tears were never shed happily because of just words!
I wouldnt want to let you slip by Louisa.
And Louisa knew for sure that during her year-and-a-half relationship with Joao, the Brazilian boy was unable to make her feel like a queen with a sentence of ten words. Something maybe she didn't deserve but Vickers provided wholeheartedly. She smiled at that last sentence, goosebumps all over her skin, and wiped her face with a slightly shaking hand. "This is the most... genuinely touching speech I've ever heard in my life." She chuckled!sobbed before sniffing and trying to form a proper sentence.
"I did like someone." She started, knowing the story might not appeal to him, but she figured being as honest to him as he'd been to her was only fair. "But I never cuddled a pillow in my sleep wishing it was them." Her smile was starting to return once again. "I never experienced this feeling that I do with you. I am relaxed and.... happy by the mere existence of another person." She wasn't talking about usual happiness, but this stomach-dropping moments where she waited for a second of eye contact or shoulder brushing. Joao might have become a better man, but it wasn't until he acted by his cold upbringing manners with her three years ago.
Shifting nervously she went on, "I don't know how to say that. But I've always seen you as a friend because you're..." WELP. Where should she begin with? Instead she takes another route,"I'm not what you made me sound like. You missed a few things." SNIFF. "I know myself, Vick. I'm not an easy person, right? I'm even selfish sometimes... I can be way too spoiled. I'm.." She squeezed his fingers and slid closer on the swing so that her knees bumped into his leg gently. "I want you to take more time to get to know me. We can... go out. Talk. Just sit by the lake. Anything."
Because... "I don't want to let you slip by." Sniff. "And I don't want to just hang around you." BLUSH!SNIFF.
Melin! She was crying....
Panic. That was his first reaction. Vickers' lips wavered between saying something and just keeping silent as he watched Louisa dissolve into tears yet again. What did he say? Sure he knew the
words he said but reducing the red-head to tears on his words wasnt what he was expecting. Then again.... he really wasnt expecting anything after having opened his heart the way he did.
But still she was crying....
He dug into his pockets and took out a folded scarf-- something he thought would protect himself in case it got unexpectedly chilly. Well now it has a more altruistic purpose.
Gingerly he neared her and patted away her tears from her glistening cheeks before offering her to take the scarf. She was smiling now, which had the corner of his lips tugging upward. Did she know how lovely she was when she smiles?
Like a rainbow after the rain...
Then she started to speak
'...the most genuinely touching speech I've ever heard in my life'. That was probably the best compliment he has ever heard in
his life-- academic accolades included. She kept on and he can feel himself getting flustered yet again.
She's like a kindred spirit. Maybe Elijah wasnt so far off about saying Louisa being a female version of him.
She always saw him as a
friend..... he knew about that, he said that himself earlier-- yet when he hears the words from someone else it always stung. Why? Maybe because he knew thats what he always comes across as-- the Nice Guy. The Reliable Buddy. Not the Dashing Hero that captures everyone's imagination....
But now she spoke of her flaws. And he found himself leaning closer to her, taking both of their hands together. He nodded his head, he knew of some of those firsthand, but there was an honesty to all this admission that he valued so much, no words can ever adequately express.
"And I do want to get to know you better." he nodded earnestly. He opens his lips to say something, then clamps it shut. He wavers a few more times, suddenly feeling himself breaking into a sweat. What the heck has got him so nervous all of a sudden?
'I don't want to let you slip by..... And I don't want to just hang around you.'
Well what are you waiting for??
"Louisa, d-do you....." want to go on a date with me?. Come on say it! Eight words, one syllable each. How hard can it be?
Deep breath here we go....
"......Louisa, do you want to go steady with me? "
Wait that sounded a little different....