Dancing Through Life
Presley was surprised that this letter was being delivered to her now, instead of at breakfast. But she'd been expecting the letter, a reply to her own. From her brother's fiance. Whatever she wrote, Presley hoped it wasn't to the effect of 'You're rude and I hate you, I'm glad your brother is finally on my side, don't write to me again.' Because one more person against her, Presley couldn't handle that right now. She took the letter from the familiar looking Owl and fished in her bag for some treats. When she handed a couple to the post owl her own owl, Mercury flew down and nipped at her fingers in indignation. Presley sighed and fished out a couple more for him. "Thanks," she said to the post owl, nodding.
She grinned. Elliot had missed her too. She suddenly didn't feel so alone anymore. Because she had Elliot Morganzo on her side, and there wasn't any other friend Presley would rather have told about her problem. "Yeah, I guess I missed you," she laughed lightly.
Had she made up with her father. Absolutely not. No way. "I'm thinking about cutting him out of my life entirely," she admitted. "I don't want to worry about him and his opinions, and I definitely don't want him to control my life." But she would wait for Elliot's thoughts on the matter before taking any action.
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