Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Memories 1. Accio If he closed his eyes, he could see them all, his family and his herd, galloping around the field.
He could smell the grass and the leaves - or that could just the be enchantments in the classroom which gave it the appearance of his home, he wasn’t quite sure. He could feel the soil under his hooves and hear the crackle of twigs whenever he made a step - but they weren’t real, they weren’t really there.
He remembered standing shoulder to shoulder with Bane, the older brother that he had never had, gazing up at the stars until he felt as if his head would drop off were he to dare and attempt to move his neck. Wishing upon every shooting star he saw that this might last forever, this peace, and that the war he saw written in the future might somehow be averted.
He painted a picture of Ariel in his mind and erased it almost immediately, the memory too painful. He kept this one shut tight in a locked box at the back of his mind, never to be opened - Pandora’s box.
If only he could Accio the past...
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