Thread: The Hog's Head
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Old 09-16-2012, 06:49 PM   #23 (permalink)
HaRoHeGiNeLu's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Carsyn Cooke
First Year
Satisfied Neon

Text Cut: Maxyyyy <3
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 View Post
Max nodded, "Yeah, she is! She seemed pretty surprised." Most people seemed surprised, actually. But Max wasn't. He had been hoping she would get the badge over Kurumi(no offense to the Gryffindor). There was just something cool about having the Head Girl in one's house.

He smiled, relieved that she seemed just as happy about Ravenclaw Quidditch as she was less than half a year ago. "Me too." To both statements. "Milton's the new captain," he traced an etching on the table in front of him with his pointer finger, trying to sound quite casual, "so it's different." Milton was POMPOUS. Max didn't like that. At least Ellie was good AND moderately humble.

"Yeah, he was there - tried out for a few different positions, in fact." Including HIS position, which the seventh year was... not too happy about. He was not going to be dethroned by a small first year, no matter HOW fast he was. Max was BUILT to be a Keeper. He couldn't... not. "...But he's really fast, really agile. Good flyer. I think he'd make a good Seeker, actually, but he seemed apprehensive to give it a shot." Shame, really.

He observed Ellie's reaction of a smirk curiously, trying not to let it bother him that she obviously already drew her conclusions on the matter. "That's the one." Max lifted his head for a moment to catch Ellie's eye, then directed his attention back to the etching on the table in front of him. "There's not a lot to say. We're... friends. We like a lot of the same things - enjoying nature, magical creatures, literature... we both hate Arithmancy..." Though SHE liked Ancient Runes and Divination and was afraid to fly. That definitely wasn't Max. "She's really nice, seems to have a heart of gold." He was smiling now, and he hesitated before continuing, "But don't worry. You're not going to get demoted with this one. She's not going to take your place as my best friend."

A different kind of friend, perhaps. The kind of friend Ellie COULD have been. But... he tried not to dwell on those thoughts too much. Emmaleigh and Max had only truly known each other for TWO MONTHS. So any confusing feelings or thoughts were just... hormones. It surely couldn't mean anything, could it?

"Genevieve Branxton," he instinctively replied, snapping out of his thoughts. "She's cool." A bit of an attitude, but Max found that to be amusing. And to Ellie not knowing about the new Headmistress... "Oh. It's Professor Bunbury - now Truebridge - she used to teach Herbology. She's... nice," but kind of scary. "She seems to have a bit of a short temper. I guess that could be good, though - someone's gotta keep the mischief-makers in order." Those conclusions were just from what he could tell on the train. But she HAD awarded him five house points for helping out during the train madness, so... she probably had a good heart.

"...What about you, though? Tell me all about you! How's life?" He was still SO SO SO SO SO SO happy she was there. SO happy. Ugh. She had ALL of his attention - he didn't even notice any of the people around them, or that they were even in the Hog's Head. It was just him and Ellie.

"I think everyone's a bit surprised when they get a badge," Ellie laughed. Even though Louisa was already Prefect, she probably wasn't expecting a promotion. No Head Girl probably ever expected to be Head Girl. "She definitely deserves it, though." She was a top-marks, booky, Ravenclaw student. Totally deserving of Head Girl. Like Vashti.

She nodded, "That I knew." That Milton was the Captain. Things got around in the Quidditch world. "He'll be good, though," she said, reassuringly. She could tell, Maximus James. "He won't be afraid to call people out when they're performing less than they're capable of."

The redhead only nodded more. It was very good that Aidan showed. She was proud of him already. And the 'good flyer' bit, she took as a personal compliment. She taught him to fly, after all. Corrected him where she could. Basically training him for the day he got to try out for his house team. But..."Seeker? You think?" He'd be doing that all on his own, then. Ellie never trained him to be a Seeker. More of a Keeper, actually.

Emmaleigh. Ellie bit her lip, both in anticipation of hearing more about this butterfly-inducing friend, and to keep herself from smiling too much and making embarrassing comments on it. The 'heart of gold' almost ruined it, though. "She sounds excellent." For him. Hehe. And...demoted? "I hope not." But would she mind?

She'd have to actually meet this Emmaleigh to know that for sure.

Genevieve Branxton. ...Now why did it almost feel like Ellie was missing Hogwarts? Or at least missing out. There were new people that she didn't get to meet. Cool people. People that Max could break out of his people-watching bubble to talk to.

"Oh." Max knew a bunch about the new Headmistress, it seemed. HOW? Ellie hadn't the faintest clue. It did seem sort of peculiar to her that the new Head of Everyone at Hogwarts was someone unstaffed for at least seven terms. But at least she did have prior teaching experience. Was that even the case with Tate? "She can't go scaring the students, though." Like Lafay. Lafay had a short temper. And the majority of the school's population stayed well away from her. Headmistresses were supposed to be nice. Helpful. Friendly.

Then Max turned the tables on her. 'How's life?' Heh.

Ellie scanned the room as she collected her thoughts. And yes, she saw Schirmer there. ...Was she back teaching? A question for Max later. ANDBENTLEYWASTHERE! Ellie should tell her about how she's all Professional now!

....At a later time. Maybe she'll owl her?

Because MAX was most important right now. He was the one she'd been missing. "I don't know what you don't know..." she began. "Portree has, like, grueling eight hour practices. Take up most of the day. But I love it. And stopped getting sore by every evening." Her body got used to it. "First match is coming up next month." Shame Max couldn't come. But Ellie wouldn't say anything about that. Surely he would think the same thing, but it wasn't like there was anything either of them could do about it.

"That's all, really. I go to practice, go home." Basically the same thing every day. "See Treyen when I can. And other friends that have graduated." Actually, just Dallin and Ellie, really. Hadn't seen Vashti since her wedding, unfortunately. Nia she saw occasionally, if Finn happened to have her as company.
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