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This girl could certainly talk. Seb decided to just wait until she had finished talking before he said anything and he watched with great interest as she conferred with both animals.
Pepper definitely liked her but then Pepper liked everyone. Millie was a little hesitant at first but after a few moments, she came out from behind Seb's legs and let the human girl pat her.
"It's nice to meet you Minerva. My name is Sebastian Gibbins and you are very welcome to come here and play with Pepper and Millie." It would certainly help him out a lot. There were a lot of things to be done around the grounds.
Minerva smiled and pet the little one. "They are just so cute." she couldn't get over the animals and she couldn't stop laughing as she pet both of them. "I would love to play with them anytime." she stood back up and looked around the playground. Then turning back to Gibbins she smiled, "Well if there is anything I could ever do to help just let me know. I always like helping when I can."
Turning back to the cute animals she bent down, "I see the little one is shy, would he or she" she kind of looked not sure, "be more comfortable if I held them for a bit to get use to me?" she then looked at the bigger one, "Now you on the other hand seem to be ready to go, so what do you want to play on first." she smiled then turned back to the nice groundskeeper, "Mr. Gibbins, what are their names again?" she wasn't sure if he told her or not, but if he did she just couldn't remember and if he did she hoped he wouldn't be upset that she forgot in her excitement.