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Old 09-16-2012, 12:45 PM   #12 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Theo stood and studied the teacup for a further 2 whole minutes. He wanted to try it out but his nose was far too precious. But much like the previous love potion incident, Theodore felt that he needed to test ALL of his equipment before purchasing. WHO KNOWS, this cup could literally rip someone'e entire nose off it's face. And he'd surely get detention for that.

"AH!" Theo stumbled backwards as someone came and yelped right in his face. He'd SCARED her? That's funny cos he was standing there as silent as a mouse, whereas she was screaming at him. Who was scared? HE WAS SCARED, NOT HER. "I didn't do anything!" Silly giiiiiirl. She'd just received a Theo-glare.

Meanwhile, Theo still needed to test this cup out, and the girl who he had 'scared' seemed like a perfect guinea-pig. "Do you want a cup of tea?" He thrust the cup in her face. "It has invisible tea inside, obviously." Uh-huh.

Seemed LEGIT.
Louisa clasped her hand over the boy's mouth when he SHOUTED back at her. MERLIN'S BEARD! She didn't want to attract a crowd in here! Quickly though she removed it, this boy looked like the kind to bite it off. "I didn't see you here is all." Something moving in his pocket caught her attention, her eyes squinted at the brown-- "You have a chocolate frog in your pocket." She pointed out before suddenly something was shoved into her face.

WHAT IN HADES was wrong with this boy. The girl screwed up her face and caught his hand so that he didn't ruin her lipstick face. "Whao whao whao.." Using her hand to wiped off whatever crusts was caught on her, "Okay first, I know those cupcakes. I used them before." SMIRK. "Second, you don't ask someone to eat something in a joke shop. That's a dead give away." Eye roll. "Lastly, you don't have to shove them in my nose to see the effect. I just simply have to take a bite. Or two." Nod nod.

This boy was getting a free tutoring session...

Louisa looked around and spotted something made her smile, "Want me to show you something cooler than those cupcakes?" She grinned down at him.
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