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Old 09-16-2012, 11:46 AM   #10 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Theodore walked very slowly to the joke shop, cos he was trying to balance his froggie on his head. It was his last time with the fella, before he handed him over to Blue. There wouldn't be any tears, until he got back to the dorms maybe. But that's what a good bestie did, ya see!

He wasn't sure if frogs were allowed in Zonko's, so he quickly hid Mr.Froggie in his pocket and hoped for the best.

He WAS a loud froggie, but... it'd be fine. Yep. Back to the purchasing and stuff... something new caught something new in the corner of his eye. A Nose-Biting Teacup. Wow.
SO what if she was all grown up now with enough resources to defend herself and force her point of view on people? That didn't mean Louisa's "pranking-for-a-greater-cause" habit should die or cease just because she was in a responsible position. SCOFF. And so the seventeen years old sneakily peered into the shop after saying good bye to her graduate friends. Vashti would probably disapprove of Louisa's idea of "punishment" but that was old history, the current Ravenclaw got used to disobey her friend's advices.

Seeing that the shop was almost vacant, the Head Girl tiptoed inside as soundlessly as possible. She crept through the aisles looking at the products briefly, she knew what she was looking for and she wasn't going to waste her time browsing. Her reputation was on the line here--

SHE YELPED! Merlin there was a boy in here. Louisa clutched her chest dramatically and leaned on the shelf, breathing. "Merlin you scared me!" She breathed out, heart attack passing by safely. Hopefully this one didn't know her, coz she didn't have her... badge on. He didn't, right? D:
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