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The redhead found herself whirling away from one student and onto another, one who seemed right at home amongst the magazines. Annie simply stared at her in amazement for a few moments, as the girl was QUITE unbothered by her presence, and cleared her throat.
"Can I help you?" This was the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain, was it not?
This purple dress! It was beautiful! So beautiful, that Renesmee didn't even notice somebody had been talking to her. Turning the page of the magazine, she looked up to see the Headmistress standing right next to her? O_O
Was she here all along? Erm...awkward.
Help her? Err...Right. Putting the magazine away, Ness now paid full attention to the Headmistress.
"Well you see, Prof..I mean Headmistress..." That was how she was supposed to address her , was it not? She paused and tried to come up with the right way of wording what she wanted to say.
"I was admiring my red hair the other day, and I realised how many beautiful red heads there actually are in this school." Because there were tons of them.
"Then I thought it would be a great idea to start a red heads club, and I was erm...wondering if you'd like to be a part of it?" Oh gosh! The Headmistress was going to kill her now. This whole thing was maybe too silly for an adult, but you know red heads were just too cool. Hopefully the headmistress was going to agree.