Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
Wooo! Hogsmeade! Thank god! Tag was needing a break from the school and all the quidditch try outs and the drama that was a norm in his group of friends. Everything was getting to be too much. So he was finally glad to be rid of all of it for one day at least. Better than nothing.
Tag pulled his wonderful jacket closer to his neck because the chilly wind was slapping against his skin. Finally once inside the three broomsticks cozy setting he pulled down his jacket's zipper a bit more. For a while he awkwardly stood there trying to scope out his favorite cookie girl Kurumi. Okay...so....when Tag meant the Three Broomsticks what he really meant was that she was NOT supposed to meet him at the Three Broomsticks...
Kurumi had waited outside for a few minutes, walked around inside looking for him, and eventually left a message with a fellow Gryffindor in there to let Tag know that she had left...just in case he came looking for her or something. Kurumi and Tag didn't know each other THAT well...but he didn't seem the type to say he would meet somewhere and not show up. Nope...that trait belonged to Adam.
Rubbing her hands together and deciding to get some tea before some shopping,
Kurumi entered Madame Puddifoot's and...