For LEX/Dani ;) In Wonderland
Seri was now waiting. She and Lex had SO much to do and talk about and stuff. They hadn't really managed to get a hold of eachother since the telling off in Lafay's office, a day ago or so, and they'd arranged to meet here. Seri gently browsed the shelves, insepcting something here, picking an object up over there. The shop was amusing. She hadn't visited Hogsmeade before, and found it was perfectly lovely.
They had some similar stuff to WWW, only Seri knew she would need to pick up a load of stuff here since she would NO WAY be going back to WWW anytime in the near OR FAR future. NU-UH. She did, however, find what she was looking for.
__________________  ... DAINTY ... CUTE ... FRIENDLY ... |