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Old 09-15-2012, 09:25 PM   #19 (permalink)
Sapphira Puddifoot
Hogsmeade Shopkeeper
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Theo needed food. All this quidditch he'd been attending had completely worn him out, and even though he was looking BUFF from exercise, you could completely see the tiredness in his eyes. Oh well. Anything to secure his previous chaser spot!

But back to the food. His face lit up with delight when he came across the shop filled with cakes and little snacks, so he pulled up a chair and looked over the menu.

A bacon buttie sounded GOOD.

Theodore looked up to find a shopkeeper. Maybe if he just waved his money about in the air, he'd get a notice.
Originally Posted by Lollipop! View Post
Blue skipped along the main street, singing along, all happy like and schtuffs.

'Cept the place was so busy. Especially since oldie!people were allowed her now. And all students, not just the third-years. Which was good for this girl. Yep. But, still, the street was a little too-crowded for her liking. She pushed open a random door and walked into the pink!fluffy shop. Oh. A café. Meh. She wasn't that hungry but she dug her hand into her pocket, fishing for some money. Yep. The coins jingled. Might as well eat seeing as she could afford it.

She glanced around at a couple - bleugh - and noticed a ickle dude. Hey. Twas THEO. Yay. Smiling, she sat down on the chair across from him, not bothering to ask. "Hai Theo." BEAM. Yeah, I know. Not her usual greeting of, like, making his name fifty times longer than it was but she was feeling kinda lazy today. Eh.

She plucked the menu from his grasp, and eyed it.


She'd probably only get a glass of apple juice or something.
Oh, how lovely. The door bell went again. Twice.

Poking her head out from the back room, Sapphira looked around the cafe and sighed. She had work to do then. Taking a deep breath, she walked out and swiped the pen and pad from the counter top, going over to the first two kids.

"Are you ready to order? What can I get you?" And that was as nice as she was going to get.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Oakey wasn't sure what it was about having tea this semester he had only had it twice now, once with Elliot and again with Mr.Gibbins and Kurumi. He really liked it now too.

There was nothing wrong with going in and having a cup on your own was there, or was it required to have tea with someone at all times? Oakey came up to the counter and took a look at some of the tea's that Puddifoot's at to offer.
"Yeees?" Can I help you? Sapphira walked back behind the counter, having seen to the order of the other kids. Was this one going to order, or just stand staring at the menu?
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