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Theo was about to throw his money at someone. Only kidding, he didn't want it that bad. Oh, BLUUUUUE. "Hi." He said, taking immediate notice of her lack of excitement to see him. She should be EXCITED, man... oh well. "Did you find your toad?" Cos Theo found a frog that she could have. It was hidden in a box in the dorms.
He'd found it for her, it was fate. :3
Finally tearing his face away from the menu, Theo noticed some love-heart cushions straight away... Where was he....? Why was he here....?
"How're yooooooou?" Cause it was only polite to ask. And she did care. But not enough to look up from her menu. Yep. Wide eyed, she re-read it's contents about three times, not really paying attention though. ....Oh right. Her shoulders slumped and she went all sad-faced.
"Nope." Maaaaan, she missed that thing. Pout.
"I'm like, 99.9 percent sure at this stage Barnabus ate him." And she had had a good CRY about it the other night, trying to get Mika to take the fat kneazle off her hands but nooooo. She had to keep the murderer.
Blue glanced up at her bestie and followed his gaze. Heart-shaped cushions? Really Missus Puttifoot or whoever ran the store? The second-year was a girlie-girl, of course. But that was just a little too-much. Eyebrow raise at Theo.
"How did Quidditch gooooo?"
She'd made some of his try-outs but not all of them.
Sooo....yeah. She wanted to know.