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Oakey wasn't sure what it was about having tea this semester he had only had it twice now, once with Elliot and again with Mr.Gibbins and Kurumi. He really liked it now too.
There was nothing wrong with going in and having a cup on your own was there, or was it required to have tea with someone at all times? Oakey came up to the counter and took a look at some of the tea's that Puddifoot's at to offer.
Putting on her
shoes, Renesmee headed out the common room and towards the school gate. She entered Hogsmeade and walked around all on her own, not exactly sure what to do with herself. Pout. Maybe somewhere quiet would have been nice? The streets were a little noisy, and Ness wasn't in the mood of that.
As she walked on further she spotted one of the quietest places she had ever seen. It was Madame Pudifoots. She had been there a few times and she remembered it to be a quiet
and annoyingly romantic place. She opened the door, and almost cringed at once as she realised how lovey dovey this place really was. Meh! Not cool! She turned around almost leaving, but then she saw someone that made her pause and think twice.
It was Oakey! One of her bestest friends ever. She couldn't not go talk to him or at least say hi. Pshht! This lovely dovey stuff wasn't so bad, she would just ignore it.
"Hey!" she gave him a small and headed over to the counter.
"Anything good to drink here?" A coffee sounded good right now and surely this place would have at least that.