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EW_FAN Harvey walked upto the owlery just to visit his owl, he didn't want to send a letter but he had spare time so he decided to visit Frost. He hadn't seen the owl in a month or so and wondered what the owl had been upto in the owlery, he walked up the steps and took out the bag of treats "Frost!! Where are you buddy?!! Come down!" he yelled upto the the owl. He then watched as a white owl sleepily got ready to fly and came down to him and gave a big yawn "Oh I am sorry buddy I had idea you were sleeping. I can leave if you want to go back to sleep" he said to him, Frost shook his body as if to say no "Ok if you are sure, well here you go have some treats" he said taking a treat or two out of the bag and giving them to Frost
Ameliah skipped up the short distance between the common room and the owlery, with a letter for Eimear in her hands and her awesome cat Dwalin at her heels. It may not be Am's best idea to bring the black kitten here, but oh well.
"LEVREEEEEELL!!!!!" Ameliah called, and a handsome brown owl perched on her shoulder.
"This is for Eimear, kay? She's probably at the house, so go check there before going to Beauxy's." Levrell hooted in understanding and flew out. It was good that Am lived in Scotland, so Levrell didn't have to go far. He'd probably be back in a half an hour with an answer.
Turning around an her heels, she was about to head to the library (since it was never too early to start homework) when she noticed Harvey. Ameliah's stomach gave an uncomfortable twist but she smiled anyways.
"Heya Harvles! And hi to you too, Frosty!!" She patted the owl's head happily.
"MEEEEEEEOOOOOW!!!" Dwalin mewed as he wound his way around the boy's legs. Purr. He smelled nice. Like peppermint.