SPOILER!!: you two!
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
The beauty of working on one of the upper levels was that you heard or got news from other departments about what was going on in the building as it took place. Natasha had been reading up on a new prospect land which might be a good place to build a new magical community. Her train of thought was though interrupted by loud singing and what seemed like a hundred feet moving.
Was there a fire somewhere? She hadn't heard any alarm. Confused the blond left her level 3 cubicle and wandered out onto the landing between departments where she perplexedly watched a conga line of Ministers office employees walk past.
Not knowing why Natasha followed the conga line but at a safe distance all the way down to the atrium. Hearing the senior secretary's hard to miss voice announce free lunch she thought, why not she was hungry.
Heading towards the big buffet table she passed two women (kayquilz) and (the fastest seeker) where at least one of the women looked pretty green in the face. It was probably just due to one of the usual ministry bugs which periodically spread around the levels. The last flu bug had been nasty but Tasha had luckily not attracted it. Taking a plate she started to shuffle a little bit of everything onto her plate.
Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
So she wasn't poisoned. Then what? The secretary didn't have any idea. Victoria watched Kensi drinking the water and she seemed to be getting better? Or Victoria wanted to see this perhaps. Just when Victoria was glad that Kensi seemed to be better the woman ducked her head down and .................
Victoria fought the urge not to run away, she couldn't just leave the woman sick here alone. Though no one will blame her if she flee but no! She wasn't bailing on a sick person! However, she took a step back just so her newly-bought shoes won't be affected. But she made sure to pat on Kensi's shoulder just to let the woman feel that she wasn't alone
After Kensi seemed to finish...her business Victoria stepped closer again. "
Are you feeling any better?" She asked in a concerned voice. Napkins! Victoria fished one out of her purse but the woman surely wanted more. That's when Victoria started to look around her.
Standing near was a woman holding her plate. Victoria walked towards her in wide steps,
"EXCUSE ME!" Ermm...Why was she shouting? "
Ahem, I mean excuse me," Better. "
Do you happen to have some extra napkins with you?" Victoria asked. Please say you do!
"We're having a little situation," She said pointing over her shoulder to where Kensi slouched down on the seat.
Victoria looked down at the woman's plate and remembered that they were here to eat free food! Darn! Hopefully Kensi will feel better and they'd be able to eat. How selfish! Victoria's conscience snapped at her. She mustn't be self-centered and think only about herself. So back to the woman ,
"She suddenly started to...drool and act a bit weird then she puked." Victoria winced at the last word.
Kensi was feeling a bit better, though her stomach still felt a bit weird...she coughed a bit, and her eyes watered. She blinked, and tears were falling down her face...but she wasn't crying. it was just from her ...vomitting. (EW!)
She noticed a new woman come in...and Victoria ask her for napkins...Kensi pulled out her wand...
"I c-c-can clean it up.." she stuttered, feeling a bit shaky. She brandished her wand a bit, and most of the sickness was cleaned up...she then said,
"Aquamenti," softly, squirting some water down there...EWEWEW. It was time like these that made her miss her mother. Twenty five, and she still liked to be taken care of.
She ended up being pretty skilled in the cleaning, seeing as she was always a messy person, she had to learn to do this well. She even took out some perfume, and sprayed A WHOLE TONE down there...
"We c-c-can move booths in you want..." she said, her voice still shaky. She saw the new woman.
"I'm K-Kensi..." she held out her wand...WAAAIT.
She rolled her eyes, "
I'll be back...get all cleaned up..." Did she have time to go to her apartment and change? Maybe...SHe chanced it. "
I'm going to change..." she told VIctoria...she was shaking a lot, now, and her eyes were still watery. The drool, too, was still an occurrence...
Merlin, she felt awful. She excused herself, and headed for the front of the ministry...