SPOILER!!: you!
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Cue lip nibbling; and tummy fluttering, and a nervy look up to her eyes. As her lips curled upwards, however, his did too. "No need," Spike said with a small shake of his head. "'s what I'm here for." That, and soft landings.
He felt bad she was glaring at him, but he'd already made up his mind. Despite his many injuries over the years, Spike rarely went to the Healer out of choice. And Beezus might not believe it, but he had a choice in this one, and a perfectly good solution of his own upstairs. Really, it was a few scrapes. A bit of cream tonight, and they'd all vanish, good as new...
"No," Spike replied flatly. "It's a few scrapes. Yes, they're a little tender at the moment, but otherwise they're FINE. I'll put cream on them later." Unless Beezus had noticed something else? He had a scar on his back from when he was younger, but surely she hadn't stared at his back that much? Self consciously, he pulled his t-shirt down further. He actually quite liked his scar, just like he liked epic bruises when he got them, but he suddenly felt awkward that she'd been looking at his bare back.
"You wouldn't."
With a puff of his cheeks, Spike stood up. Without looking at her, he picked up Matilda and placed the tarantula on his shoulder. The spider didn't looked too impressed at her nap in the sunshine being distracted. "I'm going this way," Spike said, pointing to a path that was most definitely NOT going towards the castle. "I'd really like it if you came with me," he added, his tone softening.
Beezus stared at him. That's what he was there for? To tell her that her smile made him happy? UHH. Errmm.. that was weird, kind of. It made her feel a little awkward that she quickly tore her eyes from his and looked away.
Something serious was going on. She had been getting an awful lot of compliments since the term started. Was it because of the hair? Ugh. See, it wasn't a good idea after all. She didn't want to be noticed...if that's what's happening right now. A low profile was enough for her, thank you very much. SIGH.
..too much for the odd things going on.
...the Prefect was still being stubborn and Beezus' was really starting to get upset about how insensitive he was towards his own wellness. When he said he was going to apply cream on it later, Beezus stopped herself from rolling her eyes. She knew Spike was tough, with all his critters and being in the Quidditch team at that. But if they weren't at the Pitch, wasn't it just better if to take care of themselves and not abuse the capacity of their bodies? She thought it was fairly reasonable.
"I will." If it was the only way.
Eyeing him as he stood up, Beezus crossed her arms. Her gaze followed him when he went to pick up his tarantula. For a second, she thought some sense was finally knocked into him but he failed her. He was pointing at a path that wasn't anywhere going to lead them to the Hospital Wing nor their Common Room. HUH?! He would like it if she came with him? Did he hit his head on the water or something? Wasn't it virtually obvious yet that she was VERY concerned about his wounds?
With a huff, she unlatched her arms and allowed it to hung by her side as she sprinted towards him.
"Would you stop it already?" Her voice a little higher.
"Look, if you're thinking that I want us to go back to the Castle because I don't want to spend time with you, then you are very wrong!" Beezus' brows furrowed as she talked. "
Can't you see that I'm worried? I am, okay?! I really am." She was feeling very guilty too.
"You're being childish, you know that?" Pause, and head-shaking. "
Please. Just...just hear me out. Treat those wounds first...We can reschedule. And next time I'm going in the Hot Spring with you, I promise."
More sighing.