Text Cut: Except that I didn't get to hit Harvey! XD
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Ella nodded. "Yeah..." Though she really didn't mind the being busy thing, having classes, homework, and Quidditch helped distract her a bit and prevented her from thinking WAY too much...most of the time. The third year raised an eyebrow when Harvey suggested she go to the lake with a friend, half expecting him to suggest himself. She was even more surprised when he suggested Sophie or Oakey. ...Oakey? Well sure, they were friends, but it was still an odd suggestion. "Oh...yeah um...maybe I'll ask one of them if they would like to hang out there." She was sure someone would be willing to go with her. "I think so too." The small badger agreed before shrugging.
Blink.Blink. Candy? "I...well I mean I have some. Did you want any?" Was that why he was asking, because he was hungry? But then he was suggesting she eat some, which was...brilliant, really. She really did need some at the moment. "Good idea." She said truthfully, digging into her pocket for gummy worms.
Harvey nodded and smiled a little as she agreed that she could ask a friend to go with her to the lake, yeah not him cause right now things weren't exactly right between them and until they were, Ella was right maybe they should hang out a little less. He didn't want her to feel like this all the time he wanted a happy Ella not a sad one "
I dont think so.. I know one of your friends will be willing to go with you" keep a straight face and a constant tone in his voice not wanting her to know that he was beating himself up in head for having changed the girl so much. She had been so happy and laughing all the time before, and now look at her. It took alot just to get one smile out of her when before just talking about her blush got her smiling, even that blush was hard to get out of her.
He smiled as she said it was a good idea that she eat some "
Well I have always come up with good ideas, so even this one had to be a good idea." he chuckled as he joked and watched her eat her gummy worm before looking at the tree, thats the Ella that he remembered one that used to dig candy out of her pockets and eat them just cause she loved candy. Well at least that one thing was still the same, she still carried candy around with her at all times. He hadn't answered if he wanted any cause she needed it more than he did right now.