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"Welcome." Ella replied, not at all concerned with the fact that the girl didn't return the compliment. Honestly? She didn't even notice. Her side was kind of throbbing now and she was groaning inwardly as she pictured the big bruise that was certainly forming in her head. Meh. At least it wasn't on her face. That would be bad. The third year smiled, as the younger girl BEAMed about being a first year. Ells had felt the same way when she was in her first year, totally proud of herself. It had never even occurred to her NOT to be proud of your year, so Alexa's enthusiasm wasn't too surprising. "That's nice. Liking Hogwarts so far?"
Eat someone's owl? EEP! Jasper was up in the owlery right now and Ells was NOT okay with some rogue kneazle nomming on him. "Yeah...yeah, you should really find him." She said, suddenly concerned. And then the ickle firsty shocked Ells again when she said the only way to stop a kneazle was to break its legs...HUH? "That's barbaric." Ella said seriously, a frown on her face. There definitely had to be another way to stop a kneazle.
"You bet I am!" She said with a wide grin.
"There's just so much fun to be had here!" Which was true. It seemed that trouble was always just around the corner and she was eager to greet it at every turn.
"I mean, have you ever noticed just how many cool things there are?" Because there were plenty and she was going to make it her mission to try just about everything at least once! Sure she could get in trouble but then if she didn't she would forever spend her life wondering what it would have been like to try. That was no way to live!
"I know and I just hope he hasn't gotten very far up; I've seen him eat a stray owl that flew into our yard once!" ...Though she was pretty sure the girl didn't wanna hear that...
Lex made a face at the girl for calling her method barbaric.
"Call it what you will but Felix is determined and once he has his sights set on something the only way to stop him is to stop him." Even if some violence needed to be used!
"And you know, you saying that reminds of of some other girl I know..." She thought about it for a moment as she stared over at the girl intently. Yup...very familiar with her gestures and such.