Originally Posted by
.... The self proclaimed studmuffin was at the hot springs... with a shirt on?
He tugged at the shirt, having previously figured it would be a good thing to wear. Mostly because it was October and starting to get a bit chilly and it was something his mother probably would have told him to do. Not that he listened to his mother all that often or that she really said much to him in return.
He never said he was going to wear the shirt in the water. He approached the spring, dropping his towel onto a rock just a little ways away from the water's edge. The only good thing about October was that it wasn't
as rainy as all the other previous months had been. Not so far at least. Dora was taking advantage of this and spending a bit of time outside by the hot spring everyone was talking about in the common room. She didn't remember it being out here last year, and she had CHECKED ALL OVER, so it had to have been added or something by this new groundskeeper.
She wasn't getting in the hot spring though. Strolling the bank of the spring she weaved around most of the gathered students, not paying them any real attention except when she came across one that she knew. Kinda.
"I lost you once the train got stopped." She said by way of greeting, stopping right by his side.