Text Cut: Alexa
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A stu-dy ta-ble.....
Just the name made it sound all weird. Why in Merlin's pants would anyone wanna study for? It was so boring and pointless and boring and time consuming and oh yeah...boring. She remembered the last time she tried studying and knew better than to attempt such a thing ever again for both the safety of herself and anyone around her. Everyone had something they were good at and studying was not that thing when it came to the 11 year old.
This being the case she found it odd that she would even find herself wanting to get a look at it. This would be the only look seeing as she didn't plan to visit there again.
Approaching the table she had to stifle a scream--but it wasn't a scared scream...more like one of those screams you did when you saw something totally amazing and decided you just had to make a scene about it. "Hey!! I saw you at the feast!" She said to the ghost who seemed to be talking to two girls; one of them she knew and she gave her a wave. "Hey Penelope." but the other she didn't...[/b]"And you are?'[/b] She asked, offering the girl a wide smile.
Her ears hadn't missed the ghost's earlier question and though the girl had offered a reply she couldn't help but offer her own two cents. "Yeah I think they're pretty tame too--especially the prefect." The one who wouldn't let her do anything. Oh but darn...he didn't mean physical stuff....hmm...such a shame...
Excited firsties. Hogwarts seemed to have loads more of them these days than ever before. Ariadne didn't know this one, but by the looks of it, she would soon.
'I'm Ariadne. Lovely to meet you...' she paused and questioned the girl non-verbally about her name.
Ariadne had to raise an eyebrow at what she considered an unfair description of Kurumi. She really respected the girl.
Especially when she brought cookies..
'Wait. You were one of the students involved in the train fiasco?' With Ariella, Dylan and the whole bunch? Interesting.
Text Cut: Penelope
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Oh, this girl knew Vashti too? Penelope nodded. "Yeah. She's my cousin." One of her cousins, anyway. One of her decent cousins that didn't irritate her and make her want to punch everything. "You know her?" The answer was probably obvious, but Penelope felt like asking anyway.
The fifth year nodded.
'Yes, I've known her since I was a first year. Bumped into her on Diagon Alley four years ago. She's been one of my first friends here and I've learned loads from her.' As in, asked her loads of questions.
'Are you two close?' Ariadne wondered if they were alike in any way. Not very much in appearance, as far as she could tell. And personality? They were in two different Houses, for starters. And Penelope seemed less scholarly. Perhaps Ari was giving this too much thought...
Text Cut: Sir Nick
Originally Posted by
Nearly Headless Nick
And oohh would you look at that, perhaps there was some fight in them. Or at least that's the impression he got from their questioning looks.
"Well for starters, I don't see a whole lot of tom-foolery going on much these past couple of years." Though when that Carter boy was here that was a slightly different matter. "Not that that's a bad thing, mind. It does mean fewer points losses, not that that matters much."
... and what was this?!
"Hello!" replied Nicholas, at the bubbly first year. "Yes I remeber you."
How could he forget? As for her comment on the Prefect... well it was valid to an extent, though a rebel Prefect would hardly be allowed.
"Now see... I was thinking. Perhaps we ought to do something," he paused, giving the girls a conspiratory look. "... together, you know, as a House."
When she heard the words point losses, Ariadne took to examining her shoes for a few moments. She had just lost the first points in her student career and didn't quite know how to react to that. But Sir Nicholas himself said it didn't matter. She already liked him more.
We? Together? 'So you're going to be part of this--this thing we're organizing?' That sounded promising.