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Old 09-13-2012, 04:45 AM   #150 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Addy watched the girl in her peripheral vision and smirked as she watched the willow sway to and fro. "Actually my name is Jacklyn Addeline. I prefer Addy, tho. Although I have recently become quite partial to Jacks." No one had ever really questioned her request to be referred to as Addy...

"Cool. I'm from Chicago, Illinois. I keep stumbling across all of the American transferees it seems." Heh. Addy nudged the girl slightly and smiled at her. Precious little Hufflepuff child. "How did you come to be here? My parents are both Brits, but we moved away for many, many years. I was actually born in the US. I have dual citizenship." Nods.
"Jacklyn Addeline," she repeated aloud. "That's a very pretty name! It suits you!" Sutton decided as she surveyed Addy's face. Nodding in recognition of her being from Chicago. "You aren't too far away from me, then! You'd just have to drive through Indiana! Err... fly or whatever..." since they were witches and could do such things.

Sutton began picking at the grass around them as she considered how to tell Addy about her parents. Apparently their behavior was appalling to some of the other people she told. "Well, you know, they're Muggles, so they weren't really sure about all of this. They homeschooled me for the first two years, but pretty much they just wanted me to be able to control my magic. They wouldn't even buy me a wand until this year. I finally convinced them that maybe I'd be happer, that it'd be better for me to go to a magic school with other kids who have magic. After looking into the options, they said Hogwarts seemed to be the best school... so here I am..." And that was her story... for the most part.
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