SPOILER!!: ^_^
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Harvey now understood it all, his best friends thought that he and Ella made a cute couple. He looked at Ella... ok so maybe they were right about that, he had told her she was pretty before so it was a good point. He nodded "Yeah, it would have been much easier instead of playing around" he was not pleased about that, Mins had made him look stupid and dumb in front of Ella.. thanks Mins!! He didn't want to look stupid in front of her, what would she think of him now? they would probably laugh about him once they get to their common rooms, talking about how stupid he was to not even get that!
He looked at Ella as she asked him a question, he didn't know what to say to that he was quite speechless "Well... I.. er..." that was a good question what would he have said to that "I would have.. er.. probably said.. that er.. Justin said the same" yeah he had said that "And that.. er... their opinion was .... noted.. and then I may have asked what you thought of her saying that about us" yeah so thats what he would have said, he wondered if Ella would answer that and tell him what she thought of it.
Ella didn't really notice Harvs and all his thinking and staring as she was doing quite a bit of thinking herself, at the moment. The third year found herself going over her conversation with Edric, trying to remember what he had said to her so that she didn't freak out right now with feels. Right. She could totally have this conversation without getting super awkward. Mhm. She could.
"Justin? Oh I um...well yeah, I guess I assumed he was in on...that." That being her and Harvs dating or whatever. She raised an eyebrow at his next comment. Their opinion was noted? What did that mean? Anyway...then the attention was on her again and she didn't like it. She had already done this, remember? Harvey knew perfectly well what she thought...used to think..jshsjkhdssdhk She honestly didn't even know anymore. Poker face.
"I guess I think that they just want us to be happy and I guess they think we'd be happy with eachother...or something." Shrug. The badger was doing her best to be indifferent to this entire thing and seriously struggling. She just honestly didn't want to get her feelings hurt again. It had been horrible enough the first time around.