So this whole little gathering of the minds was turning into one big awkward fest, or at least that's what Ella thought. She frowned slightly, knowing Harvey wasn't telling her the whole truth about tryouts. Some things had definitely changed, it seemed, and them being honest was apparently one of them. Meh.
"Okay, if you say so." Ella said, leaving it at that.
And jhdfjkhdjfkshfkshf. Minnie was making Ella really annoyed at the moment, and Ells didn't do 'annoyed.' And Harvey? He was sitting there smiling because of what? She shot him a curious look, wondering what he could possibly be smiling ab-O__O He definitely wasn't smiling at her blushing, right? Cause that wasn't allowed. Nope. Stop that, Mr. Watson.
The third year was tempted to answer Harvey's question, revealing her thoughts on Minnie's new secret crush. It was what she
wanted to do, but she couldn't. It wasn't her secret to tell, even if Minnie was having a blast making things super awkward for her at the moment. They'd be speaking about this later though, right? EYES.
"I um...I can't really say." She replied, shrugging her shoulders. Yeah Minnie, you're welcome.
Glare. Glare. Glare. Ells couldn't help it as Minnie was now REALLY laughing at them. Of course they made her laugh, she didn't have to deal with any of this directly. She just got to like...sit back and enjoy the train popcorn...sip some butterbeer...relax. MEH. And then Minnie was suggesting Harvey liked a girl, just dropping that bomb like it was nothing and then...THEN...she was leaving. Awesome. Way to be helpful, Ms. Badger.
Ella didn't exactly know what to say now that Minnie was gone. She was actually upset that she was the only one of them that understood what Minnie had been trying to do an so without really thinking about it, she clued Harvey in.
"She was talking about us, you know..." Well clearly he
didn't know, but now he did.
"I mean about the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff...she" She bit her lip slightly, looking anywhere but at him. Oh...and he liked some new girl? That was brilliant. He sure did hop around from girl to girl a lot. Maybe Ells didn't know him very well after all. Edric might have been right.