Text Cut: Edmund
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"It was..." How did he explain that? "It was like a school. And it was cold. Like, ALL the time." Did that explain it well enough? Probably not. "Yeah, that'd suck." He pulled a face, but then laughed. "Well, nothing in particular, I just saw this empty-ish corridor and wondered if there was a hidden room or something." It was a good assumption since it was a magic school, right?
Dylan listened as Edmund tried to answer his question about how Durumstrang was, he nodded. Well that was true a school is a school how to describe that. "
Cold? as in snow, cold? so like you could have snow fights all the time?" cause that was like totally awesome to be able to have snowfights all the time! Glad that Edmund agreed it would suck, Dylan laughed too upon seeing his face but he wouldn't say that of course. Cue wide eyes at the mention of a secret room, looking down the corridor Dylan could see why Edmund thought this "
Yeah there could be.. I mean this whole corridor and not much in the whole corridor does make you think" there just had to be secret room in this big corridor.