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Silver Ninja "I had te haf been." he said shaking his head as he lifted it off the table. "We haf no other explanation as te how else I could haf lifted either Nell or Amelia. I didn't even feel it til later." he added shaking his head. "Jus' no other way." Nope not after he found how bad it was earlier!
Grinning he shook his head "It jus' came outta me mouth. I'd jus' been talkin' with 'im about an assignment Sarah and I were te do, and came out te the water fight." Raising his eyebrows at him "And if I had a water balloon stash I'd haf been there te!"
"Dude, you rock." He'd looked after his girlfriend for him and Ed hadn't even noticed his bad shoulder. "Adrenaline rules." It must have hurt to have it put back though.
"See, this is why we're best friends," He grinned, proud of him. "Wait, you mean you
don't have a stash?!" Ed always had some water balloons, some stink bombs, some foam pellets (which were REALLY fun to put into people's food and watch them freak out) and a stash of trick wands from WWW's.