49% Dalmatian | | 51% Human Quote:
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06 "exactly, and i think this makes me happy." she said looking at him as she put her hands back with his. "So, how are we going to break this to them?" she asked every scenario she could think of was just bad bad bad bad BAD and well. she assumed by now it was just going to be a volcano of emotions for everyone except Damon & her Damon looked at her and sighed, "Well, I'm not really sure how to tell them..." He shook his head, he'd just gotten Taylor and Minerva back. Now they were going to be mad again, "I think we need to get them to at least try to understand." He smiled as she laid her hands in his again, squeezing them lightly, "I'm sure they'll come around sooner or later..." They did with Taylor and I. I'm sure it'll be the same with us... |