Superfan of: Minerva, Severus, Albus, Hermione <3 Travelling/ History geek/ TV show addict
She tried to focus. She really did. But numbers were baffling. Still, Ari's curiosity was piqued when she heard something about a sequence of numbers representing a name. 'Do you think it's my dad's name?' She asked, wanting to make sure she had followed what Gwen was saying. 'Lemme see.' the lioness looked at the piece of parchment.
Interesting. 'So you reckon this 33674 is his first name in code?' There were loads of men's names containing five letters, but it was still a start. As for the first two letters...'We can definitely rule out Cc and Uu, 'cause I haven't heard of any names beginning like that. ' But there still remained many possibilities. 'Cl, Cu, Ll, Lu,' Ariadne was thinking out loud. 'And there's only one number 4 in the whole name.' Maybe it meant something?
Although they didn't have much yet, Ari felt they were on to something. Her pulse already quickened. Gwen was a genius!
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