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Old 09-12-2012, 04:26 PM   #5 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

The Headmistress, as it happened, was on her way downstairs when the two Hufflepuffs showed up outside her door. Luck was with her today, wasn't it? She certainly seemed in a good mood, for she even smiled at the two children without noticing their expressions of anxiety.

"Hello, girls," she greeted them calmly. Wait, they weren't the same ones who'd caused all that fuss in the Entrance Hall, were they....? "Need something?"
Sutton looked up at the Headmistress when she came down the stairs toward them. Well, that was convenient, now wasn't it! Maybe she had like security cameras or something!

Except not cameras because those wouldn't work at Hogwarts.

She figured it must be some magic thing that she didn't understand. Or maybe it WAS just a coincidence. Either way, they had come here for a reason, and so Sutton spoke up, wanting to get back and make sure Alyssa was okay now. "Yes, Headmistress. Professor Hadley sent us up here to get you. She's in the Hufflepuff Girls' Dorms because there's something wrong with Alyssa... She's really upset... Alyssa, I mean, not Professor Hadley..." Sutton explained awkwardly, her shyness increasing the more she talked. When she finally trailed off, she looked away from the Headmistress, feeling rather silly for being so... inefficient at communicating clearly.
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