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Her guilt now turning into determination, Sutton strode through the halls quickly, with a purpose. The sooner they got all of this over with, the sooner everyone could just be happy again. As she approached the stone gargoyles outside of the Headmisstress's Office, Sutton slowed.
Looking to Laura, she asked, "Err... I don't suppose you know the password...?
Laura was running along the corridor, she was determined to get the Headmistress before something happened to Alyssa but at least Professor Hadley was with her and she felt a bit better now and now she was going to show Professor Hadley that she was growing up by helping her now.
Laura suddenly stopped. "I don't know the password either." Laura looked at the Gargoyles. "OPEN SAYS ME!!" Laura smiled, well it was worth a go wasn't it, she had been told to get the Headmistress and she was going to do what she was told. "What are we going to do?"