SPOILER!!: Seliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina
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The redhead ignored all of the commotion on the other side of the courtyard. She was too busy serving Kurumi the silent treatment about the Latin buisness and inspecting her best friend's rocket. Even though she was mad at her best friend for the way that she had acted in accordance with the spell, she did not want her friend's rocket to be busted. After all of the hard work she had put into the thing it would not have been at all fair. So she was going to help... just not talk to Kurumi in the process.
That was when she heard Kurumi laugh. Serioulsy, what was going on this lesson? Did everyone have cabin fever? They were being weirder than usual. And SELINA was saying that.
However, Kurumi's laughter stopped all of the sudden when she started to quickly say something to Selina. She was NOT talking to her. What part of the SILENT TREATMENT did she not understand-
Then... with a whoosh of Kurumi's rocket, it flew off of the launcher and straight toward the sky. Unfortunatley for Selina... her face was in the way.
Her feet lifted off the ground ever so slightly as the rocket tried to complete its mission up into the air. Yet, eventually it gave up the fight to reach space and just aimed for Selina's nose instead. That was when she heard something snap... and her eyes hurt... very bad...
It was as though time had slowed down...or stopped...or the world was coming to an end...possibly a combination of all of those things. Kurumi heard no sound at all until there was a loud crunch that was undeniably the sound of her best friend's nose and all the color instantly drained from her face. If what just happened was what she thought it was...then this would be the second time that Kurumi had been directly involved in her best friend's nose breaking.
Flailing about a bit, Kurumi ignored where her rocket had bounced off to for the moment and rushed to her friend's side. "
SELINAI'MSORRY!" Kurumi had tried to warn her though...and Selina had been sort of...unwise to lean over a rocket that had had air pumped into it...
Good news? Kurumi knew that her spell had worked. Ahem.
Please don't start bleeding...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease...