Thread: Bed 2
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Old 09-12-2012, 02:22 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
Cece continued to feel around Isaac's shoulder. She could tell by the way he was wincing in pain at what she was doing that there was more than just some bruising going on here. "I hate to be the one to tell you this Mr. Muir, but it appears you have dislocated your shoulder." That wasn't the worst of it though. The worst was going to come when she popped it back into place.

Maybe she should give him something for the pain first.
Wincing again as she continued feeling around the shoulder, when she hit a certain spot he jumped and winced more. CRUD! Merlin that wasn't going to be good... Dylan was going to kill him! His only seeker with a dislocated shoulder? Yep he was a dead man. Swallowing he finally spoke "Thet's easy te fix righ'?" Nope, he already knew the answer before she even told him. Not even magic could fix some things that well!

The part he was dreading was when she put it back in place, he knew what that felt like, he'd seen it happen to his dad enough!

Originally Posted by Saiai View Post
He'd dislocated his shoulder??!!!!!

Amelia winced as the Healer prodded at Isaac, before turning and glaring at him. He was such a boy!

"In what world does a dislocated shoulder not hurt that much? And how you managed to carry me with one I have no idea. You stupid, heroic, Hufflepuff," Amelia exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air in exasperation.

She'd asked him if he was okay the night before, even told him to come to the Hospital Wing but he'd brushed it off as just a bruise. She should have forced him to show her his shoulder last night, instead of believing him when he told her it was a simple bruise!
He'd kind of half expected Amelia to go awww, and feel bad for him. But then hadn't expected at all for her to talk as she did. When he saw her glare she knew he was in trouble. Wincing again as the healer poked and prodded again, he was beginning to wonder if she was enjoying making him wince.

"I told ye I was s'posed te be a Hufflepuff!" HEH, there, that's why he was the way he was. "But...'tis good te have some scars as an auror right?"he asked wiggling his eyebrows a little before wincing hard again at the next prod.