Originally Posted by
Oh. My.
Seren raised an eyebrow, urging caution to the young Eagle. "... Students and staff don't always see eye to eye Presley... but it's important to treat them with respect, even if you feel hard done by." The woman must have had her reasons for docking points... she must have. "Remember that each teacher is different. We all have our own rules and our own methods of teaching as well as developing consequences." And mouthing off to other people wasn't the way to go about handling the issue. "Perhaps if you write her a formal apology she may reconsider, or at least understand your point of view." Not to mention getting back on the woman's good side.
As for the Prophet and the time theif debacle... "I'm sure it didn't, but unfortunately I don't know all that much either." Though she perhaps should do... considering it claimed her Prefect last term. "All I know is a number of staff and students were... frozen for a period of time. But they seem fine now."
As for her preoccupations. "Oh you know... always busy... new plants, lesson planning, marking, maintenance... not to mention I set up the Herbology Task Force just last year." And a fair bit of work went into that.
had treated her with respect, even though the woman didn't earn even a speck of it. A formal apology? Presley blinked. She took a slow deep breath and in a really quiet voice admitted
"I don't know how to do that. I've never written an apology before." An invitaion, she was old hand at. Thank you notes, easy. Political manuevers, she'd seen done countless times, but apologies? Unless it was sarcastic, Presley wasn't much of an apologizer. But if Professor Bentley thought she ought to do it, then she would try her hardest.
Frozen people?? Why of all years did that have to be the one Presley missed? It sounded terrifyingly thrilling and wonderful! Presley just couldn't resist asking
"Which students, professor?" Because if she knew, then she could ask them alllllll about it, and it would be almost as good as really being there. Not quite, but almost.
"Herbology Task Force?" She asked with interest, never having heard about it before. This was good. Presley was doing much better at taking turns now, even if her mind was still bursting with unsaid things.