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Old 09-11-2012, 07:58 PM   #23 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Wales
Posts: 16,729

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Archer de Leon
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ivy Charlton
Fifth Year
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA

Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
He burst into laughter as the girl who'd gotten hit practically blew up at Laura. He couldn't help it! Watching as Laura grabbed a balloon and tossed it at him and darted back from it before it hit. Smirking as it bounced across the floor instead of splatting, Isaac picked it up and tossed it back at her the second her back was turned.

Oops, it ended up hitting the girl who tried to pull her aside instead (Nat)
Bliss was waiting for Laura's response, hoping it was a decent one. The Second Year tapped her toes against the stone floor impatiently. Even this fun lovely badger followed the rules and did NOT appreciate them being broken. Even if there wasn't a rule against throwing water balloons around the corridors, which there probably was, it was still wrong and Bliss couldn't stand it. Future Prefect here, was not please at all.

And then..SPLASH!SMACK! A water balloon hit her and she jumped back, shocked by the cold water and the fact that someone threw a water balloon at her! She span round and glared at the person who did it, but ended up giggling.

Stop it. Straight face. Glare.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at Bliss and blushed. "Well I was.. I was.. I was." Laura wasn't good at lying. "I was just enjoying the views." Laura smiled. "Why am I wet or something?" Laura really felt like a naughty three year old, maybe this was why she was behaving because ever since she had met Bliss and her mother, they had told her, if you misbehave you were ruining the family name. "I'm sorry." Laura sighed, "But well the suit of Armour was too good an oppotunity to miss." Laura giggled. "Bliss I was just cooling the suit of armour down." Laura smiled.
Bliss was not soaking wet, thanks to the boy across the hallway from her and she wasn't in the mood to play game. Not even with her cousin. She folded her arms across her chest and waited expectantly. "Enjoying the views? Really? That's the best you could come up with?" Bliss said frowning at bad-at-lying-cousin. "I'm not that stupid," she grumbled. "Just a little," Bliss replied sarcastically and looked at Laura. She saw soaking wet, just as she now saw. Though Laura, it seemed deserved everything she got. Bliss narrowed her, not prepared to forgive her just yet. She'd disappointed her and now more lies flowed from her mouth. "Laura, enough excuses," she said and sighed.

Originally Posted by Becky View Post
When the girl practically burst a vein yelling at Laura, Ed reached into his bag nonchalantly. Nothing going on here. Nope. He smirked at Laura's response. She was quick, he had to give her credit for that. Watching the next water balloon fly amusedly, he gently picked another balloon from his bag. He was here to get the armour, not other students. They'd whine about it for far too long.

He hurled the balloon at the suit of armour with unerring accuracy as Laura got told off. Now he just had to hope it wouldn't move. He was grinning amusedly at goings on until the telling off girl got hit with another balloon from a completely different direction. Spinning around, he searched for the culprit. He wanted to meet this kid! NINJA KID.
Bliss spun around as she heard someone laugh, possibly at her. She was right, there was a boy, who looked like he should know better, grinning at her.


Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Good man.

Mr Kitridge gave the prefect an appreciative nod before dropping his gaze to the water trail. With his wand raised and his eyes on the water the librarian started to move out of the library with Gideon by his side. Seeing all the water as he came out into the corridor his pulse rose a little more at the sight of the ankle deep water. "This is not.. good. at all. We need to find the culprits fast before the water spreads and increases in depth."

Wading through the water Mr Kitridge rounded the corner and came onto the scene where several students were as it looked in the middle of throwing balloons on a suit of armour, and even hitting each other. Mumbling sonorous Mr Kitridge boomed out to get everyone's attention. "WHAT IN MERLIN's GOOD NAME IS GOING HERE!"

Ending the sonorous spell with an angry flick of his wand he eyed each student in turn. "Someone please do enlighten me as to why the entire fourth floor is now soaking in water? Who's brilliant idea was this? Speak up!" he demanded exasperatedly and seething with anger as much as of fear for his prized library.

Turning to Gideon he asked in a calmer tone. "Mr Gert please fetch all their remaining balloons and see if the suit of armour has suffered any in repairable damage too." Mr Kitridige doubted it but Sophia wouldn't be easy to deal with if that was the case and he hadn't checked.
"Sir, I don't know who started this, but it wasn't me!" Bliss spoke rapidly, if anything she wanted to avoid getting in trouble, she hadn't done anything. "I was just wandering the castle and heard splashing and laughter, so I came to investigate. Then I found them and saw my cousin, Laura," Bliss explained, slightly out of breath.

The Second Year felt out of her depths here, who would believe her, even if it was the truth. She decided to explain further. "I told Laura off, but someone throw a water balloon at me," she and glared once more at the boy who had done it. "I haven't been throwing anything. I've been trying to stop them. Honest," Bliss said, still frantic. She looked at Laura for back up. She wanted to be a Prefect when she was older, but that wasn't likely to happen if she lost points because of Laura's silly 'games'.

"I'm telling the truth, aren't I, Laura," she said, her eyes pleading.
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