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Admittedly, Sutton hadn't expected such a warm and familiar welcome, but she wasn't going to complain. Despite the sudden feeling of shyness creeping back into the front of her mind, she walked into his open arms and hugged him back until he deemed it time to let her go.
The hug gave her a warm!fuzzy feeling, and Sutton suddenly realized that it was the first hug she had gotten since before she left for Hogwarts. It was sad to think about, but she tried to push it from her mind. She let out an adorable, small laugh at his comment about her knight in shining armor... but more because of the wink he gave her. "What could be better than saving my life?" she said, looking up at him with a smile. "Hey, speaking of that! Did you ever found out who the boy was on the broom?"
Because Sutton really wanted her revenge.
He hugged her for what felt like forever until he realised she wasn't going to let go. Grinning, he let her go and looked down at her with bright eyes. She was so cute! "I don't think I saved your life, more like saved whichever bone you would have broken otherwise." He was sure she would have ended up in the hospital wing if he hadn't caught her.
He shook his head at her next question. "Nope, whoever he was, he can
hide." Was it bad that he was impressed? As a fellow prankster, Ed really did appreciate the fact that this guy had managed to keep his anonymity.
For now.