Text Cut: Lily
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Hermione Lily Potter
Hey look! it was Vickers!! Lily momentarily stopped petting Louisa's cat to give the older claw a wave. "Hiya Vickers!!" She said grinning before resuming petting the cat... and waiting for Louisa to tell her what to do...
...Frowny, foot-tapping, big-sister-like Louisa.... who apparently wasn't very happy with Lily. The third year stopped petting the cat and looked all 'I'm in trouble... and I'm not going to fight it.' She knew that she had promised Louisa to take care of her wrist... but she thought that meant putting a bandage on it.... which hadn't helped at all but that was because she could hardly manage to do any sort of magic.
Hanging her head, the redhead mumbled a quiet "I'm sorry..." before pulling her sweatshirt sleeve up to show the poorly bandaged right wrist. Before putting her wrist out for Louisa to properly bandage, she again mumbled. "I don't want to go to the healer... she'll yell at me for not going to see her sooner..." Or she would take points away from the claw... which Lily really didn't want. Plus she had done perfectly well at the end of the last term to fix her wrist.... so why couldn't she do the same now?
Reluctantly, the redhead put her wrist out towards the older claw, just as the older claw told her to wait... and that she could just sit there and watch the cats... one of which still needed a name. So she brought her poorly wrapped wrist back down to her side while Louisa told her that the broom problem was being solved before the older claw scampered off to go talk with a firstie. Lily sat down on a chair and scooped the head girl's cats up onto her lap, wincing slightly as she realized that she had picked up the unnamed one with her injured arm. Well, at least Louisa would be fixing that soon... if she didn't get too distracted with all the progress... or lack of it... with the cat house.
Louisa sighed and gingerly grabbed Lily's arm, "
Seriously you guys, the Healer won't cut your tongue if you went to her about an injury. There's even a law about that... somewhere." Waving her wand she conjured a bandage. "
It's kind of ironic, huh?" Her mouth stretching to a smirk, "
We partnered up in Healing seminar and now I'm bandaging your hand for real." Liiiiife is irony. Louisa rotated the girl's hand and started wrapping the bandage not too tight but tight enough to keep the wrist under slight pressure. "
Don't remove it and don't raise your hand for too long. Keep it leveled with your waist as long as you can. If you need help with homework, chores or anything else, ask for it." Either from Louisa or from anyone else around. People were helpful... in general... she could even bribe some.
When done, the Ravenclaw gave her friend a small smile. Her cats seemed to sense the pain of the little girl, the unnamed cat climbed onto Lily's lap snuggling there while Viola just curled up as a ball on her shoes. Might've licked them once or twice, too.
Text Cut: Vivi
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"I do occasionally refer to myself in the third person. I was hit with a lying hex, and that sometimes happens," Vivi nodded solemnly. It was nice, this lying hex lie story. Made a lot of erratic behavior more believable.
"Oh, no... just Branxton. The P.M.A. is a title. Pretty Much Awesome. I've had it added to my birth certificate." Lies.
"To be a condo, I think we'll need a cat gymnasium and a teeny tiny pool. I think. Isn't that what condos have?" Vickers got a friendly wave, although she wasn't ready to give up on her chair plans and cross the room to where the Head Girl was starting her project.
Well, yaaaaay. Some cred with the Head Girl would probably get her a long way toward settling in properly and making friends. It was difficult to come into a new place with people who were all settled in their patterns and friendships and make friends.
"It'll be our little inside joke. Just the house. Anyway... I have a cat, but she's just an ickle thing and barely likes me. I don't think she's ready for friends yet. Macha is her name." And she was a devil cat.
If she's new, that sounds normal." That the cat doesn't like her owner. "
Macha. Hmm. Well hopefully by the end of this term, she'll soften up." Not gonna happen. Louisa knew, firsthand experience, that a stubborn antisocial cats remained so. "
Anyways, if you ever want to see her around other cats, I have two!" BEAM. "
Viola," she pointed at the first gold brown and white cat licking Lily's shoe, "
And a younger cat that I haven't named yet." The grey and white smaller cat was snuggling in Lily's lap.
Text Cut: Vicky & the Viviy-Vicky talk
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He got distracted by the meowing. Like who wouldnt? But having spent enough time at shelters has gotten this Ravenclaw accustomed to animal noises that it hardly elicits any kind of annoyance. He haunches down to playfully run his fingers behind the cat's ears
"Hey buddy..." he murmurs, then looks up when he heard his name
"Hi there Lily! How've you been?" "I think we can fit a gym in there...." he angled his head as he tried to imagine extending the current plan to include a bit of an obstacle course. Then he turned his head again and gave Vivi a playful smirk
"Would cats even like a pool?" From his handling of cats a great many of them seem to detest water.
Then there it was, something she said to Louisa that got him all
nosey curious
"The kneazle we picked out at the Menagerie?... her name is Macha?" he liked the name yup.
"Not quite warmed up to you has she? Just give her some time to adjust..." he has great faith in animals
more than humans sometimes
He stood up when Louisa turned her attention to him. She gets a happier-than-usual grin, plus a twinkle in his eye. But that kinda freezes as his brow goes up when she mentions what the feline abode would be called. His gaze shifts quickly to Vivi before returning to Louisa
"Well.... why not put it up in a vote? If everybody likes it then you can go with it." he nods sensibly. No he's not saying whether he liked it or not
he doesnt, and really his opinion on the name bore little impact anyway as he doesnt have a cat that would use it
the cockatoo might invade though "Sure I'd be glad to help, just tell me what you need done." Vickers the contractor at your service mmhmm.
She savored the grin and the eye twinkle, it might've even shown with her hands nervously folding, unfolding and rocking at her sides. But just until he suggested the vote. Internal!squeak. "
I don't think anyone cared enough for the name...?" She chuckled, glancing around. It was just the Vivi girl who thought cat house was not a Ravenclaw-ish name. "
And I like it," Louisa added grinning back at him.
As for help, "
I don't want the young ones to use transfiguration spells. So maybe just us, the seventh years, can transfigure those sticks to the needed planks? And I got nails!" Which... somehow felt important to say, a bit too enthusiastic but he was supposed to be impressed with this. For some reason. GAH, she was being a typical hormonish teenager! The scandal. She calmed down and her fingernails were in her mouth, the bad old habit resurfacing.
Just as she was about to answer someone else who addressed her, Vickers talked. To Vivi. And they bought the cat together, it seemed. Louisa remained mellowly silent but she made sure to be considered
existing between the two of them. Her beam faltered juuuuust slightly, because she didn't want any other girl to have something with Vickers that Louisa didn't know or was out of it.
That was...uhh... wrong!
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Quick Quotes Quill
In the next moment, Gwendolyn heard someone talk about a cat house. Tracking down the source of the voice, the fifth year was able to spot Louisa, who seemed to be getting quite enthusiastic of the plan. Gwen looked at the Head Girl for a moment, waiting for her to finish saying what she had planned before offering herself to help.
As a lovely distraction, Louisa turned her gaze to Gwen.. who was already looking at her. Her eyebrows furrowed. "
Uhh... Hi Gwen. Did we wake you up?" The girl did have this sleepy aura about her right now. Hehe.
Text Cut: Nigel
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A hangout for cats. Well, that did sound like something fun to do. Nigel looks at Taylor and sees what they were working on and He did have some free time. So he thought why not. He will help with this hangout place, even though he did not have a cat.
"No i don't have a cat. But I will help with this Cloud Nine Lives."
He had heard another older Ravenclaw say it and thought it was an awesome name. He walks over to Taylor and starts to help her set up.
She smiled at him and nodded, "
Thank you, Nigel." See now that was team spirit. This boy had it and it will let him go up with time. The seventeen years old Ravvie watched him help Taylor with the table so she thought she should start her part of the job as well. Louisa dropped to her knees in front of the small sticks and took her wand out. She turned the first one into a relatively large plank, which will represent the floor of the house, and then started working on the others. Every now and then looking up at the picture still floating in the air.
Text Cut: Milly a.k.a. Milton
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And then aNOTHER girl was calling his name. Couldn't a man sit in a comfy armchair in peace? Milton craned his neck to see Louisa (who he had tried to avoid when she started talking about cats, but now it was inevitable) surrounded by a bunch of other Ravenclaws. Hiring slaves. Pff. "Actually, this is my fan club. Care to join?" Milton winked. Because he was awesome.
Milton saw the beginnings of the production of the cat house and wrinkled his nose. "I hate cats," he muttered. All of them. Except for Walnut.
He got an eye roll big enough for the whole room to notice. "
That's a stretch of all kinds of imagination," that Shacklebolt had a fan club. He had to pay people to like him... or snog girls really well if necessary. Which... Louisa wouldn't put it past the boy. Aaanyways, she saw him go back to his book and she went back to her cat house work.
Text Cut: Spikey :3
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Well, that was a relief. He really didn't want to think why Louisa might have though Shacklebolt was hiring slaves. Weeeird.
He wasn't going to help with the house, but Spike could provide something else. "Need any plants for decoration?" he asked. "I could go pot up some cat mint or catnip..."
Decoration! The girl stopped in the middle of her spell and straightened up from where she sat on the floor. "
That's a brilliant idea!" She didn't know what cat mint was but it sounded so awfully fitting! "
Yes, I like the cat mint... and the catnip." That was another way of personalization, yo!
See, Spikey got his Herbology nerdiness in, Milton got his big ego away (which was very characteristic), Nigel got his team spirit almost like an obvious aura, Vivi got her witty mouth involved, Lily used her gentle girly touch by taking care of the cats, the girl Louisa didn't know the name of yet was sprinkling her positive energy all over the place, Vickers was blessing the whole thing by his sheer existence and Louisa was using her transfiguration skills to mash them all into one nice harmonic cat house.
Very touching.