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Old 09-11-2012, 08:48 AM   #5 (permalink)
Nearly Headless Nick
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Hogwarts.
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Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable

Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake View Post
Just returning from one of her classes, Ariadne entered the Common Room and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary at first. Only when she heard something about points did the girl bother to truly take in her surroundings. The voice definitely didn't belong to a student. Was it a Professor? What would he be doing here?

Then she spotted him next to the study tables. 'Merlin's beard! You're Nearly-Headless Nick!' Astute observation. Yes, she knew he was the house ghost, but had never seen him before so close. 'I mean SIR Nicholas.' Ari emphasised the title, remembering that the aristocrats usually cared about these things. 'I'm deeply honoured to meet you.' She even curtsied. Silly girl.

What was that about the points again? 'Don't worry. There's plenty of time for that. Term's just started.' It was early autumn and the students could still have fun outside, studying could wait, right?
Even though he had a high level of style and sophistication, some students made him want to roll his eyes. However he gave the girl a stern nod of approval as she ammended her greeting. "Good da--y," he started, though he was mildly taken aback by the girls curtsy. There was something you didn't see everyday... or century.

He had been about to ask the girl how much homework she had accumalated when another voice distracted him.

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Penelope usually liked to ignore the study tables. At least, she had last year pretty well. But maybe she should try not doing that this year. She knew, even though she wouldn't admit it, that she wouldn't get better at most of these classes if she didn't at least try a little harder at doing homework and practicing and all that. It was the same with Quidditch really. Except Quidditch was fun, but that was beside the point. Besides, how great would it be to prove to her grandparents and herself that she wasn't really a complete failure?

Really, really great.

So here she was at the study tables now - though she'd be lying if the sight of a ghost, Nearly Headless Nick, by the tables didn't draw her over a bit quicker than normal. Hopefully HE wasn't prone to shouting like Myrtle and Peeves were. It seemed, when she heard him talk about points, that he wasn't. Good. "It'd be awesome if they did though," she pointed out. How cool would it be if the points did earn themselves? Then Gryffindor would probably be even more in the lead.

Oh, and there was another girl here too, it seemed. Someone Penelope thought she had spoken to a little at the feast. "Hey," the second year greeted her.
"Awesome indeed... but unfortumantely it doesn't work that way." Even if it did, the other Houses would still find some way of beating them.

"Now... can you girls answer me something?" he asked, as if testing them. He waited to guage their response.
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