BAHAHAHAHA epic! ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Well this wasn't awkward, she thought to herself whilst watching the Headmistress. "Ahh yes, I'm sure you've missed it." But hopefully not missed it so much as to put her out of a job. Mmhhmm. Because quite frankly, it'd be traumatising. It wasn't even the greenhouses she would miss the most -- though she WOULD miss them an awful lot, but it was the kids as well. Paint them green, and weren't they all the same? "Yes, the greenhouses are maintained frequently." And with that being said, Seren busied herself with gathering a small bucketful of fresh dung from the stores cupboard. Still listening intently to EVERY word the woman had to say... in case she NEEDED to remember these things in future, Seren's ears perked up at the mention of the plants affectionate nature. Returning with the bucket of dung, Seren extended a hand to on of its vines, which gently curled around her finger. "... each to their own?" ... personally, she thought most plants were rather touchy feely... or at least Wasima was. "Though I'm surprised it hasn't taken much time adjusting to its new environment." New places always took some getting used to, new people were just another part of that.
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