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the fastest seeker
After a regular day with classes and all, Cassia started wandering around corridors like she always does when bored. She didn't feel like going outside nor like going to the common room. She'll go there eventually before it's time to sleep and it's too early for that. Descending and ascending stairs the girl found herself close to the kitchen level. She wasn't really intending to get here but she wasn't going to turn around so she kept walking. Not that she still gets lost in the castle, nah she was a second year who…didn't get lost. She was just lost in thought.
Glancing at the portraits, Cassia bounced through the corridor until she found a girl standing close to the portrait with the pear. Cassia stepped closer to the girl and looked between the girl and the portrait. Hmmm..Was she going to tickle it or not? The twelve year was proud that she knows what this particular pear does .unlike when she was clueless last year about it. Ehh..history. "I could do it if you want?" Cassia spoke up suddenly. Did the girl get startled? Hopefully not . "You know you just tickle it regularly," she told the girl matter-of-factly. Though the girl seemed about Cassia's age but it was always nice to give instructions. Cassia was enjoying those few moments she did.
Even though Dora wasn't paying attention to anything, she was acutely aware of EVERYTHING and wasn't startled the least bit by this new girl speaking. She gave her something to focus on besides walking and thinking.
"I know how, but if you wanna then I won't stop you." Just so this girl knew. Dora paused, clasped her hands behind her back, and stared. Waiting.
"Well, are you gonna tickle it?" Quote:
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The crazy little Amelia was running up and down the hall and giggling like a school girl which she was. She had just finished off ALL of her chocolate stash and wanted more. SHE wanted to learn to make it.
She wanted to be friends with that awesome baby house elf! SHE WANTED TO HUG HIM and play with him and play with them all and have giggle fits with them and feed them chocolate and play chocolate games with them. Like feed the hungry house elf - or feed the crazy Ravenclaw.
Skidding to a halt infront of the pair she reached her arm up and tickled it.
Nope. No she was NOT, this other girl was.
Her eyes flickered over to her and she shrugged her shoulders. Eyes back to the slytherin.
"That girl beat you to it, but if you want, you can still have a go after. We can wait til she closes the portrait." Dora let her eyes flicker back over to the other girl.
"Make sure you close that thing tight behind you." Pause.
"Please." Yup.