SPOILER!!: Prof. Lafay and Seri
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The older girl was bringing something else up? Sweet Circe!
Then the other girl! And the other... it was a ping pong match...
All this in front of the new Headmistress.
Now Hecate was angry.
She took a breath...
Alright. I've heard enough. We're done here. Out. All three of you. Before I decide to go back on my decision and put ALL THREE OF YOU in detention."
Logan." Oh yeah, she wasn't using Miss anymore... she was not playing now. "
Do NOT do anything to make anyone's experience here unpleasant and if I find out you've cast on another student, you'll be in detention so long your hair will be gray when you come out." Then she spoke through her closed teeth. "
Do I make myself clear?"
Then she turned to the younger girls. "
Wheeler. Cambridge. Neither of you knows how dangerous I am, but if either of you steps out of line in ANY way, not only will you find out first hand... but everyone of your house mates will hate you for the amount of points I will deduct." She then pointed to Wheeler. "
And don't think I won't deduct points from my own house. I have and I will."
She then pointed her wand at the door which slammed open, making a whole in the wall behind it. "
If anyone says another word I will deduct points. Out! Now!"
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Even though Mrs. Potionsgurl seemed to have lost it, Seri had the funniest urge to laugh... She loved the great telling-off 'Logan' got.. that was her new nickname by the way. Deduct points from her own house-y? Seri had no doubt! Did Mrs. Potions realllllly think Seri thought she wouldn't? She knew Lex already had a black mark for being a Gryffindor. Lafay would probably be seing her again. In the near future. Mmmmhmm. Especially if all the older kids were like this...
She smiled happily and shrigged her shoulders. She was tempted to say Lafay had made herself crystal-clear, but she wouldn't be losing points over a matter quite so trivial as a few words. She skipped out of the door and cartwheeled down the hallway, stopping only to say, when she was quite far down the corridor that she didn't think they would hear anything more than a murmur,
"Yessum Miss, I'll be seeing you again soon." and started to giggle an skipped off, sure she'd meet up with Lex soon. Very soon.
She hadn't expected her to get so mad at them--just the annoying older Slytherin girl, she
was the only one who had actually done anything wrong. When she finished her little rant Lex wasn't very pleased.
THIS ISN'T FAIR!!! How could she just want them to get out without giving that girl what she deserved. SIGH. This was why Lex often took matters into her own hands. At least when she dealt with a situation she was usually pleased with the outcome. The Professor was even threatening Seri too! Of the three of them Seri was probably the most innocent!
See, if she hadn't made such a threat then Alexa might have protested but she wasn't about to lose any more house points on account of noise. Her eyes widened slightly at the Professor's other threat of making their houses hate them....yeah....she would definitely stay quiet. She jumped slightly when the door swung open with suck force that it made a hole...was she allowed to do that...? Lex could see her doing the same to her.
Following Seri's lead she hurried from the room--but not before giving a goodbye wave to the Shiny Ground's Keeper. Se would catch up with Serenity and they would plot their revenge--this time they would leave the Professors out of it.