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Old 09-10-2012, 11:06 PM   #28 (permalink)
Always the Tone of Surprise
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 248
Tell Them I'm Trapped in an Oil Painting


Captain Glanmore Peaks sheathed his swords and placed his hands on his belly, letting out a hearty laugh. He was in the wrong portrait! Which meant, wherever his REAL portrait was, his serpent and his BOAT would be there as well! He was no longer angry! He was... being ATTACKED!

"EEEEEEEEK!!!" Dropping to the ground, Glanmore rolled himself into a fetal position as the crazy Gryffindor girl tried to RIP the portrait he was in right off the wall. And Kendall Lily Quinn thought he should just APOLOGIZE?! He didn't think so! "There are no portraits in the sky! EEEEEEK!!" A few more loud screeches left his mouth before the red Perfect girl and Kendall Lily Quinn managed to get the crazy girl away from him, and Glanmore jumped up just as quickly as he fell down.

He stuck his tongue out at the crazy girl as he readjusted his hat. "You, child, have a TEMPER." With that, Captain Glanmore Peaks strode out of the portrait in search of his own. No apologies. No goodbyes. Gone.
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