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Old 09-10-2012, 08:26 PM   #12 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Speechless Vicky <33
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

She didn’t mean it like…. wait what? Now he was confused….

He watches her slump against the swing and listens to her story… which he thought was rather random until he realized it wasn’t like that at all. The cat was her cat. The twelve year old was her. There was the former Head Girl and there was Knockturn Alley. And Vickers knew once that infamous alley is mentioned this cant be an all too pleasant story…

Thing is he had no clue how affected Louisa was in the whole tale…

His features darken as the story progresses… several questions would fire off in his head but his lips made no move to speak them. At the corner of his eye he could see her wand wavering in her hand—a danger that would usually set off all sorts of alarms in his head—but he didn’t even mind that for now, because her story just turned for the worse…

He didn’t know whether he would pull her close in an embrace or start pacing in front of the swing. She was very upset of that… THING… that happened to her. And he hated that all he can do was just sit there dumbstruck as she started to sob. So that was why she was how she was at Kings Cross. How stupidly shallow of him to think it was something about him.

The wheels in his head started to spin quickly as facts breezed through his minds eye and started getting filed away. There was an Auror—or a trainee one at least—Joshua, who was with her but sounded to have fallen in the line of duty. There was a “He” who “hated cats” and now have traumatized this girl he had started to care deeply for…

Something stirred within….

He can sense the vines doing some strange things, and again his gaze returns to the wand in her hands. Logic would state that she could be something of a livewire and would be best to stay clear of. But that incident happened weeks ago, at the time when he was unaware of, and she seemed to have handled it well, or at least kept it well hidden.

That something that stirred overrode his cautious logic and spurred him to move closer. Gingerly he rested a hand on her forearm as he peered into her face. Kindness, compassion—it was clearly etched on his features now. If she wanted a hug…or something, he was there.

He had words to say, but maybe that would come later…

This silence, with the distant humming, that made her even more vulnerable. And so she let it all out; whatever lies she'd created to feel a little better and to sleep well at night, the shame that kept tugging at her heart whenever she looked at her wand, the humiliating helplessness that resulted in her paranoia and Josh's doom. Everything was being let out, flatly and genuinely. Her head was bent down, trying to hide what could be hidden from the other Ravenclaw that so far didn't make a sound.

A part of Louisa appreciated him not making any sound, another part wanted him to speak, say that she was wrong, that she was the bravest girl on earth - it would be a big lie but it'd make her self-esteem boost. A gentle touch to her forearm made her raise her head and look into his face. Hers must've been a mess, eyes bloodshot and getting smaller with the constant weeping, her tears and snot streamed down her cheeks and even her mouth formed a sad heartbroken pout.

But then she had his eyes looking into hers, and they swooped her into this icy blue tunnel where she could see beyond... but not really. She wanted to move closer to him, too. And just close the irritating distance between them, maybe to just let his arms wrap around her. To cuddle, Nessie called it once. But she was too scared to do that, the "what if"s were so many they shackled every Louisa step or word. So she plucked her eyes away from him and conjured a handkerchief to wipe those signs of her breakdown.

"The vines... they're m-moving away from m-me.." she said, letting out a wet chuckle mixed with a hiccup.
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