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Old 09-10-2012, 04:34 AM   #6 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

Ooooooh, wasn't this kid a bit... feisty for her size? Definitely. Louisa feigned sympathy, because really it wasn't a big deal if her stubborn owl was stubborn. It just meant he was being himself, no? Exactly. "Let's not call each other despicable right from the start first, okay?" She was referring to the girl and her owl, of course, assuming he did understand human language.

Apparently Louisa needed to deal with this "dilemma" before sending out her letter. It was nothing, though, compared to the train thingie. "How about we try coax him? With some food?" She slipped her wand out of the holster and waved it, summoning a bowl of dead insects from somewhere around the Owlery. "Here, take this and try approaching him with it. Put some on your hand too if you have to... don't be afraid, they're dead." EEEEEEEW. But the girl didn't need to know how much disgusted Louisa was by those icky insects.
Cassia sighed exasperatingly. Did the older girl just say the start, "It isn't a start. He's been like this since I first bought him." Cassia frowned looking up at the owl that started to shriek, "Well, yeah that's the truth!" She said to Snaty. "I guess despicable is a compliment. You know I tend to be a patient young lady," Cassia said lifting her chin upward. Yeah young lady she was but not sure about the patient part. Eh..Loza didn't have to know about that. The girl was leaving Hogwarts next year anyway might as well let her have a cool impression about Cassia.

Shaking her head at the girl's advise, "Coaxing never works with him. Besides what do you think I've been trying to do before I reached the despicable-calling level," She told the girl, "I don't call people....or pets names right away, that is mean," Cassia nodded thoughtfully. Glancing at the food ,Cassia held up the bag she had brought with her. "I was going to give him a treat when he gets down here," She shot a look upward meant for the still-hooting owl. "And he will bite me anyway then," She git used to that. "Maybe if you tried to feed him it would be different? What do you think Loza?" She wondered. Oh the head girl was most likely to get bitten but she was a big girl she could get through it.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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