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Cece listened as the boy tried explaining his actions to her. Yeah, yeah. Muggles, blah , blah, blah. She wasn't meaning that he would have had to use magic on his friend, just not... blunt force. But whatever, there was nothing she could do about his stupidity that now. "Okay, so you got him through and onto the train."
Yet even with a sore shoulder he carried the girls at some point last night. Was this boy even a Slytherin at all? He was acting more and more like a puffer and a lion the more she listened to him. So yeah, time to stop with the chit chat here. "Okay, so where exactly does it hurt?" Standing behind the boy now she put her hands on his shoulders and started feeling around. She was pretty sure he would let her know if she hit a sore spot.
Nodding as she summed it all up in just a few words. He waited for her to decide what to do, whether tell him off for being heroic but in a dumb way? PFFT yeah he didn't figure she thought it was all that heroic, but hey Ed had gotten to the school right? And two girls were brought to the carriages and also arrived safely.
"It hurts like righ' mid cen..." Wincing he he bit back a gasp, as she started feeling around right on the exact spot that it was the worst "...ter." he said breathing out slowly trying to relax without shooting through the ceiling as her fingers found another spot.