SPOILER!!: Harvs
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Harvey wanted to smile as she told him that he shouldnt be doing that, but he didn't smile he just listened. He wanted to smile cause she was doing the thing that she told him was not to be done, she was caring a little. He nodded "Yeah I know, I have kinda been hurt before. Just a small bruise, Mins was worse! She had cut and many bruises. Ronnie too told me about a time that she got hurt. So I guess being around this tree your are bound to get hurt" yup see very high possibility. He shook his head "No it's ok you are right, I shouldn't be doing that " she was right and more mature than him it seemed.
He then watched as she turned her whole body towards him, he could tell that she was really curious about something he wonder what but he didn't have to wonder too much cause she was about to tell him. He nodded and looked at her with her eyebrows like that she was really looking for an answer now better give it to her, truth and honesty was their policy. "Weellll a couple of days after we arrived here, I got an owl from her best friend telling me that Ameliah wanted to break up with me and that she was sorry that she couldn't tell me over the summer" yeah so that's all it said, and that explained her new boyfriend. He looked at the ground "There goes another one, yup Harvey Watson is single.... again, not too surprised though with my past, girls come and go.. mostly go" he chuckled "You know sometimes I just wish that they would actually like me..... you know.... like ..." he looked at her and remembered her confession "Well like the way you do... basically" yeah cause she had liked him for months and been there hanging out with him despite that. As he looked at her he got this weird feeling inside, one that made his heart best a little faster and made him want to sit real close to her for some odd reason. He looked back over at the tree before she would feel uncomfortable or something.
Ella's frown intensified as Harvey told her that him, Minnie, and Ronnie had been hurt by the Willow.
"That's not good." She said, eyes looking from the Ravenclaw to the tree and back again. As for her being right, Ells shrugged. She wasn't supposed to be doing this, remember? Care less. That was her mission and so far she was failing.
Huh. So Ameliah's friend broke up with Harvey for her?...IN A LETTER? That was horrible. Why couldn't she have just told him face to face? That would have been the right thing to do. Frown.
"She should have told you to your face. It's not right to-" REALLY, Ella? Was she seriously doing this right now? It wasn't like it was INCREDIBLY awkward for her to be talking about Harvey and Ameliah or anything...not to mention she was supposed to be NOT caring. And she had failed AGAIN. Eh. She decided it was better to just shut her mouth a listen. That way she couldn't get into too much trouble with her feelings.
To say Ella's green eyes grew noticeably wider was probably an understatement. Had he really just said that? That wasn't fair. Not fair at all. The third year wanted to say a lot of things right now. Like maybe Harvey shouldn't date so many girls, then. Or maybe Harvey shouldn't be so blind. Or maybe just maybe Harvey should have said something back when Ella told him how she felt, even if it was completely the wrong time for him to do so. What was she supposed to say now? EEP. And the way he was looking at her right now? It wasn't helping at all. The small blonde almost wished Edric would bust onto the scene and carry her off so she didn't have to think of something to say in response to this...this statement.
"I...well...I um." Yup, words were failing her.
"Harvey, I really don't know what I'm supposed to say to that." There. It was the truth.