SPOILER!!: Harvs
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He saw the awkward wave that she gave and waved back, less awkwardly than she had done. Now she seemed confused, really she was confused now after talking to him first? well if thats how it was supposed to be then ok. He chuckled a little as she asked him about the tree and wondered how she should answer her question. "Oh nothing much, wondering if I should play a game with this tree" he looked over at the tree "But it would not be a good idea.. and if Mins heard about it I am sure I would get a howler for playing without her" he chuckled as he joked with her
It was kind of amazing to Ella that Harvey could act so normally around her, like what he had confessed to him didn't change anything at all. She wished she could do the same but she was rubbish at pretending. Her feelings always showed, even when she didn't want them to.
"A game?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. What kind of game could you play with a tree, anyway? Certainly not a safe one if the willow was involved.
"You weren't like...trying to get hit, were you?" Frown. Harvey was a Ravenclaw. He wasn't that stupid, right?
"Do you um...want to sit or?" The third year had to ask, she felt bad and besides, it was strange looking up at him like this.
Scooting over a little, Ella tucked her hair behind her ears and looked out at the grounds, waiting for Harvey to join her...or not.